Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Care for Aging Parents and Sandwich Generation makes the grade

Over the past month eldercare courses have run at both Centennial College and Durham College. There has been a noticeable change in the number of people attending these courses and the information they are looking for.

  • Adult children in attendance were comforted to know that they were not the only one's with concerns for their aging parents

  • They were surprised to learn how much there was to know

  • Did not understand why there was such a disconnect to the available resources

The courses provided a snap shot of the chain events that lead aging parents through illness and the care required to provide a good quality of life. Estate organization tips, as well as information regarding key documents like Powers of Attorney and Wills were also discussed. My hope is that people attending these courses disseminate their knowledge to family members, co-workers, neighbours and friends and we are able to help each other with these critical life decisions. In- house courses are available for your work place or check out our website for upcoming college seminars .

Friday, October 2, 2009

Bill 139 changes Eldercare

Bill 139 which, if passed, will come into effect next year, addresses some the concerns expressed in my last blog. People hiring Personal Support Workers through an agency, will have an opportunity to hire them to work for them directly after one year of employment. Additionally, agency "finders fees" would be eliminated and employees would begin to get paid for statutory holidays. Although this will result in a cost to the agencies, and may even lead to cost increases for care, the results are positive for an industry that we need desperately in the coming years.